Friday, October 22, 2010


FROM @angele_hema on Twitter. Patty cake, Patty cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Assuming you have the money to buy flour and yeast and whatnot in order to create the dough to bake after paying your rent, which as far as anyone in the Nurseryrhymeville borough will confirm, is TOO DAMN HIGH! ! ! !

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This is when we're ever gonna use this!!

Either you're gonna get this one or you're not.

rent is just too damn high!!!


When your mom met your dad, she was like, "Hello Reginald. Would you like to move into a charming, spacious 2 bedroom on the Upper East side on our male and female seamstress salaries? Though I only make 40 Pence on your Renmimbi, I'd never say honestly what I will say in a few years when our baby is old enough to join the Seamsters union, which is RENT IS JUST TOO DAMN HIGH."

Also, "the chromosome necessary to create a masculine child is referred to as the Y chromosome." - Luca Brazzi

Renting Rainbow

Take a look, it's in a book. And that book says, THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH!!! What is your favorite kind of book from being a kid? Popup book! That's right. And what's your LEAST favorite thing from being an adult? It's that your rent is too damn high. Case rested. RENT?


More like ANGRY Magazine!

Remember when all spies were on the same side? They'd have picnics and hold each other, and know without asking that Calvin Spy loved mayonnaise in his egg salad sandwiches, while Edwin Spy was all, "If I so much as HEAR the word mayonnaise through my super hearing microphonic transmitter, I will vaporize you with a setting on my spy watch!" and people were like "That's alright Edwin Spy. By the way, do you mind if I LOWER your rent from the level with which you were already perfectly satisfied?" "Great Chester Spy. By the way. Shhhhh! Keep it down. We're spies!" "ISn't that a ninja thing?!" "Apology accepted!"

Those were the damn days.

The rent is TOO DAMN HIGH!!!

More like Thanks-TAKING!!!

I thought the boat was called the May Flower, not the May I Make Your Rent Too Damn High Prickle Bush! But apparenlty I was wrong. Apparently it was NOT the May Flower, and it WAS the May I Make Your Rent Too Dman High Prickle Bush!!! Hey Indians, thanks for the land, now to live on it you gotta pay me a sum of corn kernels that is TOO DAMN HIGH!!

Here's what I got for you, Indians.



Back in 1985 the rent was already getting to be too damn high. Then Marty and Doc had to get going fast enough to teleport their asses back to a time when Pomade was king, Biff ran town, and the rent wasn't so damn high!!! Back me up on this one Christopher Lloyd! Stop afro-picking your hair and BACK ME UP ON THIS ONE!!!

It's a Different World When the Rent's Too High!

you know?! Jasmine Guy? From the Cosby Show Spinoff Different World, for a short time Executive Produced by Gary Miller who also ran Fresh Prince for a while?! Back me up on this one Will. STOP BRAIDING JADEN'S HAIR AND BACK ME UP!!!!


The rent is not the only thing that's too damn high!